Friday, December 19, 2008

Major Manufacturer Cancels Rubber Mulch

Zeager Recreational Surfacing, a major national supplier of playground surfacing, recently discontinued distribution of shredded rubber surfacing. The company cited a report issued by Environment and Human Health, Inc. that raised safety concerns about the content of ground rubber in artificial turf fields. Zeager joins several companies that have stopped selling or distributing rubber mulch.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Play Surfacing :: Is Rubber Mulch Safe?

Resilient surfacing for playgrounds comes in many varieties. Rubber mulch is one of the most popular playground surfacings. It comes in colors that kids like, and it seems to be environmentally responsible, made from recycled car tires that would otherwise take up space in landfills. But is rubber mulch safe? It's a question that more organizations are asking these days, and it has caused at least one playground supply company to stop distributing rubber mulch. See that company's article, Is Rubber Mulch Safe?